Solo Travel

Who says you can't travel Alone?


Cast away your fears...

How often have you planned a trip with your friends (or family) only to have them cancel, one by one? Well, now is the time to seize the day! Carpe Diem! Don’t wait any longer to take that much needed vacation—­ alone!

Let’s face it. The longer you wait the older you get, and the older you get, the less likely it is that you will ever go. Furthermore, it is a proven fact that people who travel are more happy and less stressed than people who don’t travel. Check out the article by Oneika the Traveller  to see why she believes solo vacations are great self-care for women.

God blessed us with this amazing earth and we should explore the beautiful people and cultures now, before it's too late...

Tomorrow is not promised...

"Yesterday has gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin."  - Mother Teresa.